A book for You, Taufik
My darling Taufik,
I have spent time pouring out my love for you in these few webpages. I'm not a perfect mom, and yes I truly did deserve that remark you made today, "Mommy, go sit in the corner. Now!". I certainly wasnt at my best this morning when you continued swim kicking me in bed to get me off my lazy rump, despite my numerous protests. But know that, I love you so very very much every moment of my life and yours.
I'm about to make for you tonight a little special book. A book to tell you of that most joyful moment of my life, the day you made us a complete family. I want to read this book to you night after night, so that it becomes a natural memory of how were born to us. No surprises, but something very much part of you, a memory to grow up with and a very much accepted one too. By all of us.
I hope that Allah (SWT) will give me the wisdom and inspiration I need to create a book of truth, love, hope, and one, that you may learn to cherish in the years to come.
Loving you unconditionally always,
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