Thursday, June 01, 2006

Puke and Poop - that's what toddlers are made of.

It wasn't my proudest moment, no sir. We were gathered around the pool for an evening swim with my girlfriends and their kids. Taufik was having a whale of a time, pushing passengers in the dingy's and being pushed himself. Drowning, stumbling, splashing all those nice little things that kids do in the pool until the moment of truth arrived.

He happily shat by the poolside. Did he stop at that? No sir he did not. He used both his palms to smear the shit all over the pool patio. Lord help me, I thought, when I spotted my poop maker. I ran over to him, hoping and hoping that none of the grownups saw. The kids were gathered around Taufik, laughing themselves silly over his mishap. I ran off with son in my arm, and dumped him under the shower.

When all was clean, I ran back to the ladies and saw Anne Christine scooping out bits of food from the pool. "I'ts Timothy, Alena. He puked when he saw Taufik do his Kaka." Oh well, so much for me hoping that the incident would have gone unnoticed by the ladies. Oh dear, what are little toddlers made of, made of? What are little toddlers made of? Puke and poop, that's what.


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