Saturday, December 01, 2007

How she grows.

My daughter is simply the most smiling baby I have ever known. She constantly returns my smiles with lovely huge smiles of her own. And she is ever so responsive to all the games we play together.

She has enjoyed cooing from day one, though she most enjoys conversations with Na. It took her a little while to begin really cooing with mommy, I think it is simply because she enjoys hearing my voice talking to her. She doesnt just cooes, Inaaya shouts and screams at times...with joy and gusto. LOL

I have noticed that since she was a month plus old she knows very well who is carrying her. She quietens down immediately when she knows it is me carrying her. And as of recently, she cries for me when a stranger is carrying her. She has her preferences mind you, and I am delighted with her rapid development.

Physically she is showing signs of being as advanced as Taufik. She has already done a few semi roll overs herself, and it is a matter of time when she will roll over all by herself. She carries her head up high, very much ahead of others, my neighbour who has a baby the same age, can't even lift his head up, according to his very honest Chinese grandmother. And there was my Inaaya on her front looking at the world like a little turtle with her head all poised up.

Now that winter has descended Bangkok city, we have been enjoying picnics at the playground the whole week. I put out a mat and cover it with a flannel blanket, then I place little Inaaya on her front with some toys scattered around. All the children circle her, touching her, eating little snacks that we had prepared. We all enjoy this time together in the evenings very much, and Taufik gets his very much needed physical outlet. Running around chasing William, Anneke, and Natalie.

I'd better run now, Taufik has just finished watching Sinbad the Sailor, and it is certainly his bed time now.