Thursday, May 21, 2009

The sun and the moon.

Drove Taufik to school early this morning accompanied by my little monkey, Inaaya. As we were driving Taufik said, "Why is it that you can't see a black car at night, Mommy?"

"Well darling, it's dark at night. There is no sun."
"But there's the moon." he replied.
"Yeah, but it's not half as bright as the sun. And darling, did you know that the moon is like a big shiny rock? So when the sun shines upon it, it acts like a mirror and reflects the sunlight onto the earth."
"Yeah, I know Mommy. The moon doesn't have it's own light. It's like a mirror. And we can see ourselves."he said knowingly.

See ourselves?
Well I wouldn't get that far. But hey, if it works for him.


At 3:57 AM , Blogger Wan Nurul Ashikin said...

Dear Nina,

I sneaked into your blogspot via Awi's. I must admit that I am immensely impressed with your love and care for your kids. You have given motherhood a good name and place. In many ways, I feel small compared to you. Keep it up, sis.

Anyway, do email me sometime, ok.

Kak Nur

At 6:40 AM , Blogger Alena Aziz Henriksen said...

Dear Kak Nur,

You're my second comment! I am so glad you sneaked in. It's rather boring though, as it is more of a journal that I am writing for the children...rather than public consumption. But public consumption is most welcome.

I am at my best a terribly imperfect mother. Often caught with a glazed look in my eyes as my son recounts the same story to me for the hundredth time.

I hate it when that happens, and it happened a lot in the last two semester of uni. I began to resent uni very much.

Please don't feel small, I think so much and so highly of you. And my what a fantastic poetess you are. I read the one Awi posted on his blog and really loved it. Never knew you were such a soulful romantic spirit.

Anyways, hubby is waiting for his second helping of dinner. Catch with you later and yes, I would love to email you.



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