A Habit of Inaaya Henriksen
Inaaya Henriksen has peculiar habits of her own. One of her more noticeable ones occur just before she has a bowel movement. In order to have a bowel movement Inaaya must be latched onto my breast. She simply cannot do it without having a bit of a sip and nice piece of mommy's flesh to bite upon.
I find her squealing as she does her business absolutely adorable. In fact, one of the hardest things about having her is that she is so cute. I cannot stop kissing, pinching, hugging and cuddling her. She is absolutely smothered by me.
And when she is naked and ready for her bath, her naked baby glory is something to behold. I will have to indulget in five minutes of kissing and pinching her before she gets her bath.
Last night, I found that her diapers were leaking, it was 4.00a.m., but did that stop me from smothering her with kisses all over her cute little body?
I remember almost dying with geram from looking at Taufik when he was a baby. And every time I look back at the pictures of him as an infant, I wish I had kissed him even more. He was too adorable.
How is it possible that we have been blessed with two such beautiful looking children? MashaAllah. These are two gifts of mercy from Allah (SWT).
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