Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The written pages of Taufik's birth book

I managed to write this book for Taufik in one seating. I hope once I have returned back from Malaysia, I will be able to find the time to put it together beautifully with pictures, get it laminated and binded ready for the nightly readings that I am looking forward to. Well here it is, everything true and factual, though admittedly not necessarily the final draft.

Taufik Johan Henriksen, our son.

Far & Mommy were so sad and lonely
We so much wanted a little baby,
And so we tried and tried and tried,
To search for our baby, far and wide.

Till one special day, we met a lady,
Nine months pregnant with a little baby,
My darling Taufik, that baby was you,
We were filled with a happiness that was so true.

Ummi ****** was the lady’s name,
When she gave birth to you, we gave you a name,
“Taufik Johan Henriksen” Far said joyfully,
We both agreed that “Taufik” you’ll be.

Opah & Mak Ngah, to the hospital they went,
To pick up Taufik, as Mommy had sent,
Good bye Ummi Noor, we’ll see you again,
It’s time to see Mommy, she’s coming by airplane.

At the airport Taufik was asleep in the car,
Waiting for mommy, waiting for Far.
Mommy came and kissed Taufik softly,
Held you in her arms, embraced you gently.

When Taufik woke up, Taufik was hungry,
It was time for milk, Taufik breastfed greedily.
Mommy smiled, kissed Taufik’s little ears,
And thanked Allah for answering her prayers

Some days later, Far too came along,
To see his baby son, he’s waited so long.
Far slept with Taufik, with a smile on his face,
Thanking Allah so much for His bounty and grace.

Oh Taufik, Oh Taufik our handsome little son,
At last, at last, our family is together as one.

Monday, June 19, 2006

A book for You, Taufik

My darling Taufik,

I have spent time pouring out my love for you in these few webpages. I'm not a perfect mom, and yes I truly did deserve that remark you made today, "Mommy, go sit in the corner. Now!". I certainly wasnt at my best this morning when you continued swim kicking me in bed to get me off my lazy rump, despite my numerous protests. But know that, I love you so very very much every moment of my life and yours.

I'm about to make for you tonight a little special book. A book to tell you of that most joyful moment of my life, the day you made us a complete family. I want to read this book to you night after night, so that it becomes a natural memory of how were born to us. No surprises, but something very much part of you, a memory to grow up with and a very much accepted one too. By all of us.

I hope that Allah (SWT) will give me the wisdom and inspiration I need to create a book of truth, love, hope, and one, that you may learn to cherish in the years to come.

Loving you unconditionally always,

Kids Arts & Crafts Resources

Priceless Playdough
A great playdough recipe that I have used again and again for Taufik to play with and for playgroups that I have organized. A real success with the kids. Easy to make and dirt cheap. It also lasts for a long long time when kept in an air tight container. (Courtesy of

Finger Paint Recipe

I organized playgroups with my good friend Samira last summer. And the kids had a ball of time finger painting with the paints I made with this recipe. Inexpensive and what a lovely gooey mess! (Courtesy of

Briliant little site, I tried to make the Muttaburrasaurus and it worked! So easy to make too. I think I'm going to use this site to introduce to Taufik the various dinosaurs. A brilliant, exciting and cheap way of doing so.
(Courtesy of Phil Heiple)

Simple Child Fingerplays
Put on your printer and print out some of these cute fingerplays. (Courtesy of

Free Printable Award Certificates for Your Kids

They used to charge you for this, but now is giving it out for free. Download your own copy so that you can award your children bi-annually certificates of achievement. Award the effort, not the success. Not everyone can be a winner, but everyone can do their best. And that's all we parents expect of our children. (Courtesy of

Sunday, June 18, 2006


* Who Let The Dins Out?*
A blog maintained by the Din Clan, fondly known as 'Dinnies'. Of which I am happily a member of. Check out the latest going-ons in our family life.
(Link: "Who Let The Dins Out?")

* The Rising of the Moon *
A light hearted chronicle of Julia's darling baby Jasmine Lara Moon Lyttle who was born on the 1st of March 2006. Be the first to witness her first steps, her first laugh and her first of everything...
(Link: "The Rising of the Moon")

* Khaliff's Total Eclipse
A soon to be published blog of Ariff's & Yanti's young 'un, Khaliff. Sit tight and watch this space.
(Link: "Khaliff's Total Eclipse")

* Ariff Thani Photography *
Ariff's very own photography business has presence on the world wide web. Check out his beautifully taken photographs. Be sure to book this gifted photographer for all of your events worth capturing!
(Link: "Ariff Thani Photography")

* Zazzuz - milieu wearable mementoes *
Rizal has his very own start up selling contemporary, funky, high quality t-shirts on Malaysia and everything Malaysian. As they say, "To know Malaysia is to Love Malaysia" or is it "Malaysia - Truly Asia."
(Link: "Zazzuz")

Kids Islamic Resources

Educating the Muslim Child
A wonderful site by a Muslim mom and revert, Sumayyah Umm Sadiqah wa Asma, with Arabic Alphabets sandpaper printouts, stories for character building, lessons for learning to read the Quran and lots of other ideas to provide your child with an Islamic environment.
The Islamic Bookstore
A quality collection of Islamic books for sale online for children of all ages. Noah's Ark, Allah is Thaliq for young toddlers, Islam's greatest Military heroes for those between 14-17 years of age and much much more.
Kids Media
Animated Islamic stories, games, puzzles and others. This beautiful web site is a good learning resource.
(Link: "Kids Media")

My Child's Talents courtesy of Montessori's Questionnaire

Today, I went to the Montessori Mom's site, searching for printout of alphabets in the small letter cursive style. Whilst doing so, I came across this little survey to discover the talents of my child. Here is the result I got from answering that survey for Taufik. I am happy to say that I already knew this of Taufik.

Here are some ways you can nurture your child's talent.
Any type of sports, group or individual, such as soccer, karate, and dance. These children usually love large motor activity. Some ideas for their physical activities are jungle gyms, balls, tricycles, and skates. Also they may like active handwork such as clay, playdough, sewing, and finger painting.
Some other great activities would be wall climbing, playing in the children's play area at your local fast food restaurant, the slides, pools of balls are great free activities for your child. Some other great activities would be wall climbing, playing in the children's play area at your local fast food restaurant, the slides, pools of balls are great free activities for your child.

Courtesy of Montessori Mom, "What is Your Child's Talents?"

"I'm upset, Mommy."

I was standing at the lobby of our apartment, my son was in his tricycle looking particularly petulant. I was myself feeling rather sulky cause he had just crumpled a very precious photograph five minutes ago before we came out of our home. "I'm very upset with you, Taufik." I said quietly.

An hour later, we were zooming to the hospital. Taufik and I had been playing football at the lobby cause it was raining. Chasing after the ball eagerly, he had slipped and fell on the floor, back of his head hitting it quite hard. He had a ping pong sized bump on his head and had been crying inconsolably. I was worried sick.

He was sitting beside me on the front passenger seat, hugging his treasured koala bear and blue pillow. He was lying face down when I heard him mutter, "I'm upset, mommy. So upset."

Oh dear, I couldnt help but chuckle in amusement despite the stress I was under.This kid of mine, what a character. He was looking properly sulky when he said those three words that tickled my funny bone.

Later, trip to the doctor's over. We were in bed and I was coaxing him to let me put the ice pack on his bump. He said, " Hurt a little bit only. No cold." The things that come out of his little mouth sometimes makes my heart soar with pride and laughter.

My little poom poom.

p.s. This picture was taken by Penny, who is just about to start her own photography studio with compliments.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

My Bambino @ Bambi Playgroup

Love has blossomed between Taufik & Jamie, a tall Eurasian boy of about four years old. His mother Porn is a lovely Thai lady married to a Brit. In the pictures above you see that Jamie is seated next to Taufik's left. Both are listening to a story being read, with rapt attention.

Taufik has truly begun enjoying playing interactively with other kids. He is fond of playing with older children, perhaps the greater verbal communication that goes on, feeds his great need to chat all the time.

He is a true copy cat. If Jamie jumps into the ball pool, he jumps in too. If Jamie climbs up the monkey bars, he climbs too. If Jamie screams, hops, scratches his nose...well you get the picture.

Have a look below at the master of copycatting.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Meltdown at Bambi

The morning had started out so beautifully. We played with the playdough and read some books. Unfortunately, Taufik was not keen on eating his breakfast. He had his usual milk, and some small snacks - but that was all.

We arrived at Bambi a little late. Within half an hour Taufik was telling me that he was hungry. "Seaweed please, Mommy." he said to me. I bought one packet of seaweed, he walloped it happily while playing with the collage.

"One more Mommy!!!" he screamed. I bought him another one. That too was soon gone, some of it went to the floor, which got him crazily mad. He was whining,and whining and whining. A sure warning that something big, old, hairy and nasty was brewing.

I, the innocent and ignorant party, firmly said "No more, Taufik" Snack time was almost there. "Taufikkkk, HUNGRY!" he screamed. He jumped onto the floor, "Taufik tireeed" he sang. "Tired mommy." "I wannnn bottle milk." Oh no, not the bottle milk, I thought to myself. The one thing I thought of bringinig but decided to leave behind. He whine and crimped despite repeated warnings that he either stopped or faced time out. He ignored.

Ignore you must, and things go bust! I circled my arm around his waist, and carried him out like a sack of potatoes. He yelled, literally yelled right from the core of his soul. I placed him on the bench away from the play area and then it really started.

He bawled, screamed, chocked, coughed and puked. Banged his head on the floor, and yawled in pain. Feet thumping in the air. I tried to hold him cause he was in danger of hurting himself. He whipped his body left, right, forward, backwards and fell down. Now the screaming really goes on...and on...and on...for 15 minutes and showed no signs of dissipating.

The Bambi ladies stared. Some shook their heads. Others smiled sympathetically..humiliated, embarrassed, my anger soon reared it's ugly head.

Time for drastic measures, time for operation "getouttahere". And out of there we were in a jiffy. Taufik still screeching, me carrying him resentfully like the cave man of yesteryears carrying his wife. Both fof us found relief within the confines of our truck. But not before...

I screamed frustratedly in the car. "Aaaaaaaaaaah!". Taufik cowered away in the back of the truck while I fumed in front. We drove out of the parking lot, spotted the friend banana lady. Ten minutes later, we were both happily munching on the best fried bananas that we had ever had.

Here are pictures of the before and after of a tantrum. Though these pictures were of a tantrum he had in Denmark. Look at that bawling face, five minutes later, happy as a bunny. Poom Poom.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

My shy buttercup.

"Taufik...don't show your tisserman. Shy Taufik. People might see it." I said to my son as he was putting his shorts within public eye view. I had said this like three times in the past few days. It must have connected somewhere along the line.

Yesterday at the playground he was having a row of a time playing with the kids there. Mid way he came up to me and said 'Taufik shee shee, Mommy." "You want to shee shee sayang? Okay come quick quick." I took off for the toilet with my little toddler by my side, climbing over the bench, running pass the lobby floor and into the toilet there.

While he was on the toilet bowl he said to me, "Taufik shy mommy. Close the door." The toilet door was wide open. Oh dear. I quickly closed the door. He pushed me away when I got close and said, "Taufik shy."

He actually wanted me to go out so he could do his business in peace and away from my prying eyes. Unfortunately that was no go. I was not going to have my son drowning in the toilet bowl, and worst still jeopardising all that toilet training by developing a fear of the toilet. No sirree Bob.

So thus began the mantra, "Taufik, mommy and far can see okay?" "Understand?" Thinking that I might get into trouble saying this I also added that his nanny, Mae Na and Dr. Narida can also see. Who knows he might put up a mighty resistance in the future when they need to clean or check on him. Have I thought of everything or what?

The Operative Word - "Scared, Mommy"

Two mornings ago, I was in the guest room waiting for Kim to come from his morning bath and to get ready for work. Tauf Tauf was in there with me fooling around in bed. He said "Mommy readabook.""Choo Choo Train". I mimicked the whistle of a train, "No mommy! No! Clickety clack!" he said. "Okay, go and get the book" I said to him. "Taufik scareeed mommy." he muttered cuddling up to me, burying his nose in my breasts. "What on earth are you scared of?" "Bear." was the monosyllabic answer. Mrs. Bear was a character in a new book "Fire! Fire! Mrs. McGuire" that I read to him the night before. She looked like Cruella Deville reincarnated, all shaggy fur coat and fur hat, with beady eyes. "Don't be scared darling, mommy is right here. " was my response. Patting him gently and coaxing him out of my arms.

I watched him quietly, as he walked into the masterbedroom towards the bed. Mid way to the bed, he turned around, and bolted out like lightnight. He literally fled out of the room as if Mrs. Bear was on his heels.

He burst into the room and straight into my arms, screaming like a banshee "Taufik scaaared Mommy!"

What is it? An fascination with the word 'scared'? Or is he really scared? You can never figure them out sometimes.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

One little two, little three, little tractors.

We went to Denmark on April 26th, for two whole weeks. It was Taufik's first trip there so the excitement was mixed with some trepidation. How was he going to handle the cold weather? Would his asthma be worst off? Aside from a touch of fever, flu and cough which went away in three days he handled it all fine. Not a single asthma attack.

What really surprised me was how fast and how well he bonded with Far Far? He loved his grandfather so much. He took to him like fish to water. And Far Far is not the easiest person to warm up to. But the both of them in fact warmed up to each other immediately. I guess the tractor ride helped a lot.

Taufik has a great love for tractors. We even changed a popular song into a tractor song, "One little two, little three little tractors. Four little five, little six, little tractors....."

One spring morning, Far Far came to join us for breakfast at the summer house. After breakfast, he opened up the garage door and started out the small tractor he had back there. Taufik was terrified. He scooted into the house and clung to the kitchen counter wall. Despite Far Far's coaxing he refused to come out.

So I decided to hop on the tractor myself and naturally my little one ran out and screamed for me to "Come off Mommy!" "Come off!" I said to him, "Why dont you sit on my lap darling? Drive the tractor Taufik?" In a blink of an eye he clambered onto my lap and we drove around the large garden. Far Far was encouraging and hooraying us away - well in his own way he was. He stood there and watched, smiling and clapping a little. Taufik calls the tractor, Far Far's tractor. Love was sealed there and then. Nothing beats a tractor to oil things up a little bit eh?

Puke and Poop - that's what toddlers are made of.

It wasn't my proudest moment, no sir. We were gathered around the pool for an evening swim with my girlfriends and their kids. Taufik was having a whale of a time, pushing passengers in the dingy's and being pushed himself. Drowning, stumbling, splashing all those nice little things that kids do in the pool until the moment of truth arrived.

He happily shat by the poolside. Did he stop at that? No sir he did not. He used both his palms to smear the shit all over the pool patio. Lord help me, I thought, when I spotted my poop maker. I ran over to him, hoping and hoping that none of the grownups saw. The kids were gathered around Taufik, laughing themselves silly over his mishap. I ran off with son in my arm, and dumped him under the shower.

When all was clean, I ran back to the ladies and saw Anne Christine scooping out bits of food from the pool. "I'ts Timothy, Alena. He puked when he saw Taufik do his Kaka." Oh well, so much for me hoping that the incident would have gone unnoticed by the ladies. Oh dear, what are little toddlers made of, made of? What are little toddlers made of? Puke and poop, that's what.