Monday, October 16, 2006

"Can't we have a conversation?!"

Kim had been travelling non-stop pop these last two weeks, he leaves on Sunday, comes back on Saturday and leaves again on Sunday. The first week he was in Australia, then now it’s Canada.

It’s upsetting. Terribly upsetting. We’ve agreed as a policy that Kim would never travel on the weekends, and that he would return from his business trips before the weekend, latest being Friday night of course.

So to my chagrin, not only was he returning late Saturday night, his flight was now delayed for 12

bloody hours! Meaning the whole Sunday would be gone too.

When Taufik and I finally had the pleasure of having Kim back in our company, I was just bursting with all sorts of little stories to share with him. I so enjoy our chats. But little did I realise that our son too was dying to chat with his Far.

I was in the midst of telling Kim excitedly that it is indeed possible to have ASTRO here in Thailand, provided that we drag our own decoder to Bangkok. Excited as I was suddenly I realised that I had to raise my voice significantly to be heart. Our son, sitting not so quietly on my lap was singing “A, B, C, D….” at a higher and higher pitch. Attempting to prevent any conversation taking place between Kim and me, effective he was too. I was positively annoyed with my little smart brat.

:”When I am talking to your Far, please do not interrupt me.” I told him firmly. “Do you understand me sweetheart?” He nodded his head and said, “Yes, Mommy.” I said to Kim, “I am so upset, can’t we even have a conversation?” Kim laughed his head off.

Five minutes passed uninterrupted. Then Taufik buried his nose in my breasts and said, “Sorry Mommy. Sorry for talking.”

Now how could I resist such a charming and sweet little boy, MashaAllah.

(The picture above is of Taufik blowing bubbles by the pool at William's b'day in September 2006)


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